I know my blogs have been a little sparse lately but all that comes along with deployment has kept me from blogging as much as I would like. I will explain more next blog…
I have been a part of this online bible study for mil wives and this is supposed to be week 4.. I did great for the first 2 weeks and the past 2 weeks have been not so great. Its so easy to get busy in the day to day and get behind. The past 2 weeks haven’t been bad at all, though there have been moments of doubt. Through this Bible study I have been re-learning to put God first and to fully trust in him. Looking back over the past month I can see a HUGE difference in the days where I truly put God first and the days I get to busy in the day to day and easily forget my focus.
While catching up on last weeks chapter in the bible study there was one statement that stood out to me above all the others; “When Peter focused on the wind and the waves, he started to sink. Without help, he would have drowned. Ever faithful Jesus didn’t let that happen”
This sentence is so simple and basic yet spoke to me! In the midst of deployment there are TONS of waves and a great amount of wind! Those days when the wind hits and I stop and pull out my phone and read scriptures I have saved are the days that yet hard, become easier to sail through then the days when I tend to get to busy and let the waves over take me. Luckily even when the waves are bearing down on me I have an ever faithful savior still there stretching out his hand and willing to help!
Isaiah 58:9 says “Then you shall call and the lord will answer; you shall cry and he will say, ‘here I am’.”
The thing is he doesn’t force us to rely on him. But he is right there waiting for us to ask him for help. Whether I need patience, strength, courage, rest, joy etc he is there to help us through. Deployment isn’t easy but with Jesus help we can make it! I really do believe that I can become a stronger person through this deployment. Not that every day will be easy and not that there wont be moments of sadness, breakdowns etc but overall I want to choose to keep my focus on Jesus and not the winds and waves crashing around me.
I cant do this on my own, but when I put my focus on Jesus and look to him for guidance, strength and comfort I can truly say I can do this through Christ who gives me strength!!!