Monday, June 25, 2012

Jamberry Nail Shield Giveaway

I am so excited to host this Jamberry Nail Shield Giveaway!  I found Jamberrys a few months ago and fell in love!  Jamberrys come in over 150 different designs and can last 2 weeks on finger nails and up to 6 weeks on toe nails! Each sheet covers 2-3 sets on fingers or toes! They are easy to apply and don’t damage your nails!  They are kinda like stickers but stay on your nails by heating them up for a few seconds with a blow dryer then applying pressure to adhere them to your nails! 
This giveaway is going to be for 2 sheets; Turquoise and Pink Polka dot And Purple Giraffe! Pics Below!
Check out my website for all the cute designs
There is also an application video in ‘application instructions’ link at the bottom of the webpage!

this is a pic of Turquoise and Pink Polka Dot with a Teal Sparkle Accent

this is Purple Giraffe taken from the Jamberry Facebook Page!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love spring flower and aloha flower... I've been looking at them for forever but can't bring myself to spend the $15!

    1. I thought the same thing at first but when you think about 1 sheet covering 2-3 sets and each set lasting 2-6 weeks it really is well worth it... Plus its buy 3 get one free! :)

  2. My favorite is Geometric! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

    floatingpyramids at

  3. Oh my goodness, I think the baseball ones are my favorite!

  4. I was just looking at your website and couldn't decide what color to get... This would help a lot!!! LOL

    1. I also have some samples avail if any of you want to try them you can email me and i will send some out to you! :)

  5. I really like the geometric design, very hip and colorful.

  6. Hi I have to say flower power is my favorite and I look foward to following your blog. Maybe sometime you can come check mine out too!


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