Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 days of Reinventing Mommy

There are 2 key words that I want to use to describe my '31 days' - 
Reinvention & Tenacity. 

The past several months have been filled with commitments that go strong for 4 days then come to a halting crash which spirals out of control and leads to disappointment, resentment and anger. They have been filled with depression, sadness, self loathing and huge pity parties. 
What I have realized  about myself is that I am pretty much nothing I want to be. I could go on and on about all the things but I just want to wipe the slate clean and start a new days and tenaciously go after reinventing myself.
  • to replace with an entirely new version
  • to remake or make over, as in a different form
  • to invent again or anew, especially without knowing that the invention already exists
I love the third description the most because I know that I am really just bringing out what already exists. What has been hidden in the mangled  chaos of 'busyness' and mommy-hood.  

  • holding or grasping firmly; forceful
  • holding together firmly; tough or cohesive
  • tending to stick or adhere
This past week I saw a few episodes of What Not To Wear and realized some things about myself.  I dont take time for me, ever.  Its so easy as a mom to worry about everything and everyone else and let ourselves just slide.  I saw so much of myself in those busy horridly dressed mommies.  Knowing that I spend 95% of my time in yoga pants and t-shirts and fixing my hair has become a once a week treat. There is so much background that goes into this but I want to focus on the positive and not the negative so here are my goals for this 31 days of tenacious reinventing mommy! 

Each day I will share a different focus on taking me time and reinventing myself.  I hope you will join me on this journey and find some encouragement to step out of our boxes and into all that God has created us as women to be!

Looking forward to this month and tenaciously going after changing bad habits, conquering fears and pushing through breaking points!


  1. So proud of you! I can't wait to see what emerges over the next 31 days. My personal challenge is that I'm going to spend the next month placing more focus & intention on the image I present to the world every day. My value doesn't begin with a size or number on a scale, I'm amazing just as I am.

  2. This is something that I need to do also. I always see these hot moms at Walmart, and I wonder why I don't put ANY effort. My poor hubby.

  3. I'm so guilty of this. My staple is spit up stained t shirts and yoga pants. I'm sure the parents at Collins school think I'm a hot mess. Can't wait to follow your journey.


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