Monday, September 3, 2012

Please help

Ok readers heres the deal.  My gut tells me to delete my blog!?  I don't wont to be one of those irrational people who get all crazy but heres the low down.  Today while searching through my blog stats I found that someone found my blog by searching 'images of kids peeing' which obviously kinda freaked me out a little.
I have looked at my referring URLs before and seen one specific one but didn't really search it out to find out what it was about.  Today after some investigation I found that its a Russian porn sight.  Some people have said that its just a blog hack, spam etc but unless I want to search through possible viruses or a porn sight I have no idea what is really happening.  I just know that every day its my top referring site.  Be it spam or perverts I dont want to take the chance of my kids pics being looked at my creepers.  

I just got off the phone with a computer programmer genius who did lots of research and basically it looks like a stupid spammer made an affiliate link taking pervs from said Russian Porn Site to my blog.  They apparently do it to a lot of bloggers and yea its spam but what it really comes down to is there is a link on a freaking porn site for my blog... That seriously pisses me off!

Heres the deal, This past month I have spent a lot of time and money building up my blog and making lots of friends and connections but at what cost?  I dont care if its spam or what I dont want to have to worry about some perv getting off to Russian porn then getting linked to my blog and looking at pics of my kids!  

People tend to be clueless and say oh its not a big deal, there are pervs everywhere etc but hello my kids protection comes absolutely first! 5 years ago I spent several days in a rescue home in Cambodia where I saw kids as young as 6 who were rescued from sex trafficking.  Then people didn't even believe it could happen and today its everywhere.  Oklahoma is #4 in the the US for child sex trafficking.  Its real and there are too many pervs out there.  Im not trying to say that someone is going to come kidnap my kids but there comes a point where we decide what is more important.

At this point I can say I love blogging, I am spending the evening deleting any and every pic of my kids on my page.  And I am seriously contemplating getting rid of it all together.  
I have seriously made some super awesome connections and love the friends I have made which is where I am torn but really.. Im just at a loss... our What are your thoughts
BTW look at your referring URLS.. Its basically pregolem thats the spammer but the url that is driving those visitors to your blog is a russian porn site...


  1. oh no! That mist have been a terrible shock to you! I'm glad you deleted all your kids' first, as you said! I'm just hoping there can be some way to add some kind of filter or block to this porn would be awful if you have to delete this blog. Have you considered whether altering the url to your blog would fix this problem?

  2. Wow! I am stunned, this is absolutely horrible!!!

  3. That is my highest referring source beneath Facebook, can this not be blocked!

  4. Wow! So unsettling. I just checked my stats and have that referral link as well. Going to check with my web savvy hubby to see if there is something I can do to block it, and will let you know if it's possible.

  5. Please let us know of a way to block specific URL's. I have a Russia site visiting me daily and I can not figure out how to block it. I tweeted about it yesterday and nothing. :( Creepers I tell ya. It totally would have pissed and freaked me out too. <3 Sorry this happened to you Misty!

  6. That is horrible. I found someone who was looking for kids locked out naked. I had to delete my post and go through my tags and make sure there was nothing in there to look perverse. It makes me nervous too. I don't want pedophiles getting their rocks off on account of my kids or anyone else's kids for that matter. Can you block the site?

  7. Oh no! I am so sorry this has happened! Would changing the name make any difference? Glad you've decided to stay :)


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