Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Paleo & Clean Iced Mocha Coffee and a life changing book!

I am so happy spring is almost here!  Spending the winter inside a small house with a 4, 3 & 2 year old... eek!  The days we can play outside for hours on end are the days that my sanity stays in tact!   This winter has been filled with tough mommy moments and a friend recommended this book and WOW... It's like it was written just for me!  If you are a mom who is worn out I highly recommend it!
I found mine here: Deserpate Home for the mom who needs to breathe
I just found out they a website too! what! http://desperatemom.com/

When days are crazy I tend to want to slurp down some Dr. Pepper or an expensive coffee drink but neither are healthy and are just a waste of money so I created my own Iced Coffee and it was delish!
It was super low cal and low carb too! Only 43ish calories & 4 carb

1/2 cup strong coffee ( I use instant and double the coffee to 2 tsp)
1 tsp cocoa powder
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 Stevia Pkt

Stir, pour over ice and enjoy! This could easily be done hot but I prefer iced coffee.

Find uber cute stuff here: 

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