Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weightloss Wednesday Update and New Hair!

It’s Wednesday! I’ve been so busy I almost forgot to do my Weight Loss Wednesday update!
Since that horrid little day in December when I was stuffing Christmas cards fighting the tears looking at how extremely fat I had gotten, I have lost… 30.2 lbs., 14 inches and 2 pant sizes! Yay! My total goal is to lose 100 lbs. and 7 pant sizes! 
14.8 more lbs. to my pre 1st pregnancy weight which is still 34.8 lbs. to where I was when the hubs and I started dating.  I thought I looked pretty good then but ultimately that’s still 30 more lbs. heavier than I want to be overall.

Lately I have found myself being groused out by nasty food! Yay!  I ordered out with my MIL the other day and where normally I would have polished off a whole bag of chips and salsa and a large side of ranch all on my own, now I can’t even imagine eating half that!  Out of habit I ordered the ranch and I took a few bites and then remembered! Crap! I can’t have dairy and this is a billion calories too so I dumped it down the drain! While looking at the nutritional menu I was SHOCKED by how many calories what I would normally eat from there would have been!
The chips and salsa alone is 1020 calories! I’m sure there are many of times I ate a whole basket myself! How NASTY! The ranch is 180 calories for a little container, the big container is at least 4x that! For the days when I ate chicken crispers that’s 1350 calories! But I had switched to the quesadillas thinking they’d be a little better for you.. 1480 calories! HOLY SHIZNET! So that’s like almost 4000 calories I would have eaten at Chilis in my fat days! That’s not even counting the Dr Pepper and all the refills!  No freaking wonder Im fat!

There is definitely a huge paradigm shift that happens when you decide to change your life.  What I used to not even think twice about now I think how the heck did I ever eat that crap!
This is how I gained a billion pounds during my first pregnancy! Every day I ate out for lunch, sometimes KFC, sometimes McDonalds, sometimes Long John Silvers…  Day after day after day of stuffing my faces with thousands of unneeded calories!

When you decide to start getting serious about calorie counting you will be amazed at how much even the ‘healthier’ options have.  I laughed when my MIL ordered a salad bc shes on a diet and it had 1300 calories which is more than I eat in a day! I ordered the Chicken Fajitas with no tortillas.  Just he Chicken and the Onions and the Guac and that was almost 400 cals.  

Let me say before someone decides to chime in about me eating less than 1300 calories a day.. I’m doing 1200 per day and that is a number that my doctor approved of and I am seeing my him every 2 weeks at this point for Cronhs related stuff so it is completely healthy and not in any way overboard. : )

So that’s this weeks update! I cant wait till next week to see how much more I can lose! I actually am excited to get up every morning and weigh myself! Excited to see another fraction of a pound that I will NEVER in my life ever see again!
Oh and I got new hair! Yay!!!  
Heres to health! I really can do this! Yea!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about weigh loss...since I'm on the train too. But the hair? BONUS. It looks super awesome.


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