Sunday, December 11, 2011

The light at the end of the tunnel is peaking through!!!!

We are getting so close to this dang deployment being over its scary! We are seriously on the downhill slide! 10 months down and 3 months (at the most) to go!!!
I can finally start to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel!  Motivation has set it and this day was such an awesome day! If every day could be like today life would be to easy!  The only thing that would have made this day better would have been to be able to talk to my hubs! Suckily he is in a place for a few weeks with limited communication! BOO!  I had been used to getting to talk to him pretty much every day for quite a while and now I’m lucky if I get a quick email. Ugh!

I had a perfect day in the eating category!  I am very VERY proud of myself!  I made a crazy healthy and yummy dinner of squash, zucchini and chicken breast and not only did I love it, my kids chowed down! Monkey kept asking for more chini!  I got a Dancing with the Stars latin work out video, in hopes I can learn some salsa moves while getting some exercise!
All 3 of my babies took a nap at the same time and for 2 hours, in which time I did crazy amounts of house cleaning! None of them had serious meltdowns, (well princess did have one huge one but it wasn’t too bad, she is terribly jealous of new lil brother) peanut napped in his crib twice & princess is doing great with no bottle.  Ahhh sigh of relief!

I actually feel like a normal, non prego woman for the first time in a ridiculously long time!  Yay for having the tubes tied! Love my babies but 3 all a year or less apart is more than plenty!!!!

I could go on and on about todays accomplishments, and would love to just because I feel so proud of me for once, but I am gonna take advantage of the fact that I can be in bed before 10, with a clean house and even a clean me! Yay

Counting down the weeks!


  1. Awww yay! I'm so glad you're getting there and will be done soonish! Good for you taking time for yourself Dancing with the Stars sounds so fun!

  2. Sounds like a great day! So glad that the end is drawing near for you guys! You're doing an awesome job - keep it up! :)


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